********VENUE & PRICE CHANGE********
This showcase will now be held at the Paris Theatre! Admissions has been lowered to just $5! We have also added InSight Events resident – Šuma to the bill!
We are excited to announce this change as it comes with a little extra good news – InSight Events will be teaming up with the Paris Theatre every month to make some magic happen – STAY TUNED!
We are very hyped to announce the first Courteous Family Showcase in the PNW!
We are blessed to have Hapa and Tone, the wizards behind the foundation of the Courteous Family, throw down with the return of Gangus.
*Drink Specials
$3 beers, $7 wells, $8 whiskey shot + pbr, $20 champange
We are Eidolon ent.,
an arts and culture collective from the next dimension, here to augment this reality and shape the future of this beautiful planet.
Our mission is to decorate space and time through art and astral resonance; to remind each other that the sheer coincidence of our incarnation here together is something to celebrate.
Join us, we welcome you with open eyes and hearts.
- Eidolon ent.
Partnered with AMA Global Care to feed the needy for the duration of our events because what’s better than getting down with the tribe? Contributing positively to the future of our planet.
Get to know – AMAGlobal.Care
2 Bars
2 Stages
7-10 Djs
Co2 Cannons
Campsite Reservations (VIP Tables)
Giant LED Screen behind Mainstage, 4k Resolution and 11×20
Live art displays
Outdoor/Indoor Vending
Outdoor smoking patio
Full Media Support
Sound installed by One Wub Soundsystems
And more, coming soon!
Live Art and Vending TBA
We will be asking for a 5$ cover charge throughout the night to help support futureactivities.
For more information contact Patrick Duffie. Feel free to send an email at patduffiebookings@gmail.com, or text/call 541-280-9703
21+ // Doors at 9pm